The Surprising Truth About Aging

Aging: Getting older doesn’t actually mean you’ll have a slew of medical conditions or poor quality of life. Getting older before one dies is the prayer of every mankind. Old age is a special moment of happiness if we have maximized our youthful period.

Many have constantly asked, ‘‘what happens to your muscles when you get older?’’

There are many anatomical/physiological and psychological changes in old age, both negative and positive, but you can enjoy aging if you understand what’s going on with your body and take steps to maintain your health.

Various things happen to your body as you get older. Your skin, bones, including your brain may start to behave differently. Don’t let these changes that come with old age catch you by surprise.

Here are some of them:

Your bones — While you were younger your bones are dense and stronger.  But in old age, bones can become thinner and more brittle, especially in women, sometimes resulting in the fragile bone condition called osteoporosis. Thinning bones and declining bone mass can put you at risk for falls that can easily result in fractures or broken bones. Be sure to talk with your doctor about what you can do to prevent osteoporosis and falls.

Your heart  — As a healthy diet and regular exercise can keep your heart healthy, it may become slightly enlarged, your heart rate may lower, and the walls of the heart may thicken.

Your  nervous system(and brain) — Becoming older can cause changes in your reflexes and even your senses. As1 dementia is not a normal consequence of old age, it is common for people to experience some slight forgetfulness as they get older. Brain cells and nerves can be damaged by the formation of plaques and tangles, abnormalities that could eventually lead to dementia.

Your GIT (digestive) system — As you get older, your digestive tract becomes more firm and rigid, and doesn’t contract as often. This change in your digestive system can result in problems such as constipation, stomach pain, and feelings of nausea; a better diet can help.

Your senses — You may notice that your vision and hearing are not quite as sharp as they once were before. You may start to lose your sense of taste — flavors may no longer seem as distinct to you. Also,your senses of smell and touch may  weaken. As a result of aging, your body is taking longer to react and needs more to stimulate it.

By age 50, most people detect changes in their vision, including a gradual decrease in the ability to see small prints or concentrate on close objects clearly.

Cataracts and glaucoma are common problems with the eye that can greatly affect  your vision. 

Usually hearing losses are caused by aging, often due to loud noise exposure.

Your teeth The tough enamel that usually protects your teeth from decay can start to wear away over the years, leaving you susceptible to cavities. Also,gum disease is  a concern for older adults. Proper dental hygiene can protect your teeth and gums. Dry mouth called Xerostomia, which is a common side effect of many medications that seniors take, may also be a problem.  If you take good care of your teeth and gums, they can last for a lifetime.

Your skin — Due to old age, your skin loses its elasticity and may start to sag and wrinkle. But the more you protect your skin from sun’s ultraviolet damage and smoking when you are younger, the better your skin will look as you get older. Now,begin to protect your skin  to prevent further damage, as well as skin cancer.

Your sex life — After menopause, when menstruation stops, many women experience physical changes like a loss of vaginal lubrication that might lead to painful sexual intercourse. The vagina begins to atrophy —losing its shape and size due to loss of adipose tissues that had been supported by hormones during younger age. There is also a decreased sexual urge called low libido.
Similarly, men have andropause(the stopping production of spermatozoa and testosterone) and  may experience erectile dysfunction. Thankfully, both problems can be easily treated. Many changes in the body are a natural part of aging, but they don’t have to slow you down.  There’s a lot you can do to protect your body and keep it as healthy as possible.

Finally, you have known the changes that occur  in the body at old age, i.e, the characteristics of aging. Then it is vital to begin taking care of yourself in your sunny hours(youthful age) before you approach dark hours (old hours) where you might have less opportunity to do as you want.