How to naturally cure Erectile dysfunction

What is Erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction(ED) is one of the “bedroom cases” that cut across both young and old. But before we dig deep into erectile dysfunction, let us explain what erection is for proper understanding. It can occur as a recurring condition in which a man is unable to get or keep an erection.  As men get older, the likelihood that they will deal with ED increases, but by no means is ED limited to men over 50, or 60, or even 20. No matter your age, there are several factors that could contribute to ED.

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Physiology of penile erection (How erection works)

Many guys already know that the penis gets erect because of blood and urge for sex but not many know where that blood goes. It doesn’t just fill up the penis like a water balloon! When blood flows into the penis to create an erection, it goes into and fills up two spongy bodies of tissue that run the length or shaft of the penis.

The corpus cavernosum runs along the top of the penis and another similar body known as the corpus spongiosum runs along the urethra. Both the corpus spongiosum extend a little into the body, which is what gives the leverage so that, when these spongy structures are filled with blood, they get stiff and the penis becomes both hard and erect. Similar thing also happens to the clitoris, female counterpart of penis during an excitement.

Moreover, most guys associate getting an erection –also called a “hard on”, boner, woody or by other sorts of name –with being ready for sex or ready to feel sexual excitement. The truth is: most men get erections quite a few times daily for no particular reason and certainly not because anything sexual is going on. It just happens. Ignore it, and it will surely fizzle away. Also, your manhood doesn’t have to be hard in order for you to feel sexual pleasure. There are many types of sensation that can feel sexual good. An erection is not prerequisite.

The urethra is the tube that runs the length of your penis and links several organs inside your body. Everything that comes out of your penis passes through the urethra –urine, pre-ejaculatory fluid (precum), and semen. The urethra is highly sensitive and delicate duct, and can easily get scarred or infected if you treat it roughly. Male urethra is longer than female urethra measuring about 19-20cm while that of the female is 3-4cm –predisposing the female counterparts to urinary tract infections, UTIs easily than men.

Sometimes, little boys are curious about how it would feel to put objects up their urethras. This is very bad idea: it can even end requiring surgery in the penis. And if you treat the urethra as a one-way street, you’d be fine.

Urethra problem  –if your urethra ever burns or itches, particularly when you are urinating, or if you see  greenish, yellowish, foamy, bloody, or foul-smelling discharge from your urethra, visit a doctor or urologist immediately. All these are indications or signs of infections or injuries that need to be attended to by a doctor.

Erectile dysfunction

Why Erectile dysfunction is bad?

I have digressed a bit; let’s move on. The term impotence and erectile dysfunction(ED) can strike fear into the hearts of even the most reasonable men. Although both differ from each other, find out more about male impotence. Men who are unable to satisfy their wives on bed are not regarded as “true men”. Hence, it is wise to consult your doctor anytime you notice malformation in your genitalia.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction begins in the brain, and end up, well, you might know where they end up. Arousal occurs in your brain, and a chemical reaction allows the muscle that keeps blood from flowing to the penis to relax. Between the brain and the penis, many things can happen to prevent, or hinder erections. That means that there are a number of possible factors that lead to poor erection. They are all grouped into two broad categories.

If you own condition occurred without any build up –any warning –it is more likely to be psychological –perhaps tied to stress in one way or the other. You and your partner will have to diligently work together to get past this sort of problem, but it’s one that will likely get better with time. You may eventually find the need to talk with a therapist about it, but not everyone does!

However, if you’ve noticed the over a longer period of time, erections have been fewer and farther between, it could be a medical problem that’s causing the difficulty. Medical problems like this usually get worse gradually until the person experiencing them is completely unable to get an erection any more. If you fit into this description, a visit to the doctor is unavoidable. It could be blocked arteries or damaged nerves that are causing the ED, and that’s a serious stuff.

Outside these two broad categories, ED has many potential causes and contributing factors, some of which you can control easily, and some of which you can’t.

Stress and other psychological factors:

This is the most common cause of ED, and it often sets off a vicious cycle of “performance anxiety” that can be hard to break out of. The key is to relax yourself. It can be tedious to avoid, but worrying will only constitute more problem. If this is the problem for you, then the best first step is to inform your partner about it and seek help from them. And once she knows about it, it will only get easier. Moreover, you can visit a psychotherapist for expertise care.

Cardiovascular diseases:

These can make it more difficult for blood to flow to the penis. And if this is a cause of your ED, there is little you can do to alleviate the ED in particular. Rather, you need to simply follow the medical treatment regimens that your doctor has prescribed.


Various drugs but not limited to those for depression, insomnia, kidney and liver diseases can affect the nerve impulses that lead to erection. Some common medications such as antihistamines, appetite suppressants and antihypertensive (blood pressure medications) can also have the same effects. And if you feel this could be causing or contributing to your ED, don’t stop taking your medications abruptly before consulting your doctor, for it could be dangerous  to your entire health. There may be other treatments or alternatives that could work better without any effects if you let your doctor know.

Diabetes mellitus:

This can damage the nerves that control blood flow to the penis thereby leading to erectile dysfunction. Therefore, there is need to manage your blood sugar very well and strictly follow the advice of your doctor.


Cigarette smoking damages blood vessels, and so blood flow to the penis is restricted. Find out more on the effects of smoking on your body.

Alcohol and fatigue:

These can contribute to or cause erectile dysfunction in both short and long term. Read also the effects of alcohol on your body.

Treatment for erectile dysfunction

There are series of treatments available for ED patients. There are also natural ways to cure to erectile dysfunction. Although the use of those treatments solely depends on many factors: age, physical, mental and social conditions and others. None of them should be undertaken without first consulting a qualified doctor. Here are the treatment options for ED:

Hormone treatments: this works only in cases where hormonal imbalances are the main cause of ED.

Therapy: obviously, this is only effective for those patients whose difficulties are not physical but mainly psychological.

Vacuum devices: these are simple devices that work exactly as the name implies, like a vacuum. This is used primarily to treat those with blood disorders, or who use blood thinners.

Surgery: if your own ED is due to damaged nerves, arteries or cardiovascular problems, you might want to consider surgery. Moreover, it’s very important to ask your doctor about all the potential treatments that could work for you. Try to find out about the pros and cons of each. Though, if you are currently talking with your doctor about it, you are already taking the most important step.